Somalia: The ICRC provided some medical supplies to primary health facilities and few hospitals
In 2018, the ICRC
continued to respond to the needs of Somali people affected by 35 years of
conflict and harsh climatic conditions like droughts and floods, despite
reducing and suspending some of its activities following concerns over the
security of its staff and overall acceptance in the country.

Protracted conflicts and violence have
particularly corroded Somalia's health care system and created fertile ground
for disease and malnutrition.
Less than 15% of the population in rural areas
and less than 50% in urban areas have access to health care. The ICRC provided
medical supplies to primary health facilities and hospitals and trained medical
personnel in trauma care and other life-saving skills. It also supported the
Somali Red Crescent Society (SRCS) to train community first aid responders to
enable them to respond to emergency situations
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