Somalia receives around 89,500 packages of drugs from GNH India
Two decades of war has left the country deprived of medicinal
aid and where basic medicines are scarce and desperately needed in

Somalia received a not-for-profit
aid shipment of over 89,500 packages of drugs from GNH India which is a credited pharmaceutical
wholesale distributor in India that offers a wide range of
pharmaceutical supplies which include parallel lines, orphan drugs , hard to find, cold hair lines, hospital lines and oncology pharma products.. The
majority of the drugs are basic medicinal aid such as multi-vitamins
antibiotics, dietary supplements for infants, Multi-vitamins, minerals
and trace Elements, pain killers and general anesthetics.
Two decades of
war has left the country deprived of medicinal aid and where basic
medicines are scarce and desperately needed in Somalia.
Seeing the situation in his country, the
Managing Director of one of the Somalia based pharma companies
approached private companies to request for aid.
"My country is under serious distress; not just politically, but socially and economically as well”, he said. Elevating the grief of his people was on his top most agenda, “My mission upon reaching India was to find a wholesaler willing to hear my cause. We are grateful to GNH India and team for all the hard work they have put in to provide some respite to my people.”
Dr. Piyush Gupta, Associate Director, GNH
India-"When we were approached by the Somali delegate, we could not
possibly have turned them away. Our standing policy at GNH India is
humanity over profit and this becomes part of the plethora of
transactions that we have done. The shipment sent to them was at a low
manufacturing cost and there was no profit involved. A similar shipment
was done in Yemen as well.”
Somalia is a tough market to crack as there
are US trade sanctions on them, moreover, they are not financially
stable therefore doing business there is not a sound decision. But GNH
India kept the profit motive aside to ensure that the weak, hungry, and
particularly vulnerable men women and children of Somalia received
access to basic medicines.
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